الصف :الحادي عشر - العام الدراسي :2015/2016
From thousands of years people needed to travel long distance so they thought in a technology to travel easier than walk, then they saw birds and try to imitate them so they invented flight(aviation).
The history of aviation has extended over more than two thousand years, from the earliest forms of aviation, kites, steam age, the Wright brothers , also the world wars , to space race and the digital age until that moment.
How Did We Learn to Fly?
Myths and Legends of Flight
Greek Legend - Pegasus
Bellerophon the Valiant, son of the King of Corinth, captured Pegasus, a winged horse. Pegasus took him to a battle with the triple headed monster, Chimera.
حلقة بحث91
History of Aviation(flying)