الصف :الحادي عشر - العام الدراسي :2015/2016
Freemasonry is a dangerous union , once you say its name you’ll notice anxious people. Once you start talking about it, you’ll hear people counting its machinations.
Freemasonry pended secretively to hide its real goals, the reason behind that could be that the Jews battled the messengers of God and thought that they were ‘‘the chosen nation’’ and all the other nations are worthless and directed as the Jews wanted.
Wise Zionists said in their 15th protocol:
“it’s logical that we captain Freemasonry because we are the only ones who know where we are going and what our real goals are. But the ‘koiem’ (naïve or stupid people), they don’t understand neither what’s going on, nor what’s going to happen.
They don’t care about anything but their momentarily plans and don’t feel that they are directed by us somehow”.
So what is Freemasonry and how does it affect the world?
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