الصف :الحادي عشر - العام الدراسي :2015/2016

The presence of technology in our lives has contributed to its transformation into a smarter , faster and easier life , It contributed to the development of science. For example ,today ,modern  planes with Electronic Tech are more effective and much faster than the plans that lacks that property. As well as , we find modern weapons, which are called "smart" , and which are depend on information technology also more effective than weapons of the past .
These are the effects of technology in our lives , and it has several other effects in our daily lives and thus we discover and feel its importance and how it relates to our lives .One of the products of the technology revolution was the invention of the computer , which is one of the most important achievements of the twentieth century, then It was developed over the years until we got to the current form of computers .its presence was limited to companies and military fields .While these days it is above all of our offices and it is an essential part of every house ,  and is a necessity for every student ,employee and teacher .And here we reach to an important point , which is how we can use those computers without a way to take information from them and give them data , Here we find "ports" , that provide a connection between the user and the computer in most of the services performed by the computer ,
And If those ports doesn't  exist , the computer will be unable to work because they are the most important ingredients in it - They are considered  physical component - .We will find later there are some ports which are responsible for connecting the screen to the computer , as well as other ports  are responsible for connecting a mouse and keyboard to it . and as we know that those are of the main components in the computer , and computer is cannot work without them , and even if it works its work will be useless.

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