الصف :الحادي عشر - العام الدراسي :2015/2016

  • Properly you heard about "algorithm" in mathematics or in computer science.
  • Do you know what an algorithm is and what is the importance of it?
  • There are so many algorithms and methods in computer science one of them.

Dynamic Programming (DP) in this research after talking about algorithm, Divide and Conquer, Recursion we will talk about them before to introduce you to DP, hoping you understand the difference, (All the codes in this research will be in C, C++ programming language or pseudo-code).

We will start explaining about (Algorithm), Recursion, Divide and Conquer (which is close to dynamic programming) then we will talk about Dynamic Programming.

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  • حلقة بحث

    dynamic programming

الإعداد :

الإشراف :

التقييم : (17)

قيّم الدليل :