الصف : العاشر- العام الدراسي :2015/2016

In Fact, all people –or many of them- love to know what the future holds for them , and they always ask themselves :what will I have today ? what will I do ? who will I meet ?

And to answer their questions .. people found a lot of ways like : astrology , interpretation . And “the zodiac” is one of them.

People often listen to radio or T.V programs to find out about their daily zodiac
Because they think that zodiac can predict the future .
And some of them are crazy about the zodiacs that could make them believe everything they hear about them !

And that makes us ask ourselves ,what are zodiacs ? Are zodiacs a science or just a superstition ?
And do zodiacs have a real effect on the people , or people are affected by what they hear and imagine?
Should we believe in Zodiacs ?

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    The Zodiacs

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