الصف :الثاني عشر - العام الدراسي :2016/2017

For many years, the idea of life existence outside the Earth was very popular, and the ideal planet for this idea was Mars (the red planet), till now. And out of this idea, people started thinking about the possibilities of carrying the humankind toward Mars. And so, we will discuss the following ideas :

1). Why did people choose Mars between all of the other planets ?

2). Is there a kind of smart civilizations or even microbial one on Mars ?

3). Was there an old life in past Martian history in any form ?        

4). Could humans survive on Mars or widely, create a new model of life on Mars ?

5). What could scientists do to make Mars habitable for humans ?

6). What are the prospects of studying Mars, and the evolution of life on Mars in the future ?

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