الصف :الثاني عشر - العام الدراسي :2016/2017
The term Hispanic broadly refers to people, nations and cultures that have a historical link to Spain. Many studies shows that Latinos live longer than Caucasians, despite experiencing higher rates of Diabetes and other diseases. Scientists refer to this as the "Hispanic Paradox". Hispanics have better survival from cardiovascular disease, which is known to be linked with elevated systemic inflammation. Also Hispanic consume up to four to five fold more beans per head than non-Hispanic. The ULCA team used several biomarkers, including an "epigenetics clock" developed by Horvath in 2013, to track an epigenetic shift linked to aging in the genome, for example, the biological clock measured Latino women's age as 2.4 years. So the last findings strongly suggest that genetics factors linked to ethnicity may influence how quickly a person ages and how long they live. In my research I will talk about this paradox and its evidence. I will also talk about the genes and whether it really influence the age. Finally the relation between biological clocks and aging
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Hispanic Paradox