الصف :الثاني عشر - العام الدراسي :2016/2017

Antimatter seems like something isn't natural and it fueles the supernatural stories. For example in famous Dan Brown's novel "Angels & Demons" MS Langdon would have to save the Vatican from an antimatter bomb . My be most of  us think that it's just an exciting  Science Fiction Story , But no, that's not right , we have to know that the antimatter is also the stuff of  reality .

Now the antimatter is the most important  theme  in particle physics universe and a lot of scientists and researchers are doing studies about this topic.

So what's the antimatter ? why don’t we know it!!?? And what's the relation between the matter and the antimatter ?.

We will answer about all of these questions and other in this search.

Wish you interesting and useful subject 

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    The Antimatte

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