الصف :الثاني عشر - العام الدراسي :2016/2017


In each country there is a ministry of defense, which is responsible for protecting the country and defending it against enemies and their attacks. And so, any small defect or problem in it may affect (threaten) the whole country, especially if that mistake occurred between soldiers (the first defense line).

In a like manner ,our bodies which are complicated structures need a system that protect the body an defense it against any foreign body and monitor the other tissues while doing their functions .And this system is called the lymph system .But sometimes ,a problem may occur in a part of this system like lymphocytes (the first defense line ).And thing get more complicated to cause bigger problems like lymphoma ,a cancer that infects lymphocytes and spreads to other parts of the lymph system and maybe other tissues .And that does not affect the lymph system only ,but also threaten the whole body (because of this system's role in protecting our bodies ). So, this this disease has to be cured because of its riskiness on our bodies.  

 And then we may ask ourselves:

  • Are there any new discovered treatments of this disease rather than traditional (standard) treatments for cancer???  and what is special about them??
  • What is the most appropriate 'optimal' treatment for lymphoma??

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