الصف :الثاني عشر - العام الدراسي :2015/2016
Artificial Intelligence known as AI was officially founded at a conference on
Dartmouth College’s campus in 1956. The conference included John McCarthy,
Marvin Minsky, Allen Newell, Arthur Samuel and Herbert Simon, who became the
leaders of AI research for many decades.
AI spread broadly since 1960 and was heavily funded in different countries. During
its evolving, AI showed in many forms, some were linked to each other and some
were independent branches of it. In the 1980s one of AI’s first successful forms
emerged, expert systems, which are computer systems that emulate the decision
making ability of a human expert to solve complex problems for example.
In the 1990s and early 21 st century AI reached a great level of success due to several
factors: the increasing computational power of computers, a greater emphasis on
solving specific sub problems, the creation of new ties between AI and other fields
working on similar problems and a new commitment by researchers to solid
mathematical methods and rigorous scientific standards.
Throughout its success AI fulfilled a lot of achievements, such as: deep blue, the
chess playing computer which beaten Garry Kasparov, a reigning world chess
champion. IBM’s question answering system, Watson, defeated two of the best
jeopardy champions by a significant margin in a Jeopardy! quiz show. A 3D body-
motion interface provider became available for the Xbox 360 and the Xbox One, the
Kinect. A lot more became available.
AI provided a lot of products and creations that implemented reasoning, problem
solving capability, knowledge, planning, learning, communication, perception and
One of AI’s applications was Artificial Neural Networks which is a simulation of a
biological humanoid neural network or in other words a simulation of a humanoid
brain, so it’s able to learn, to solve mathematical or complex problems by itself
starting from simpler ones and to make use the capabilities of its artificial
components to the maximum.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of an artificial neural network??
Could we keep track on its every action and keep it under control??
Before answering these questions let’s take a deep look into artificial neural
networks and their specifications.
حلقة بحث99
Artificial Neural Networks